
Single Women's Battlefiled of Mind Growth Group

Sunday Evenings , February 22, 2009 to May 17, 2009
3:30pm to 5:00pm

The group will consist of 4 to 6 single women who want to grow in their relationship with God and enjoy the fellowship of other growing sisters.

We will be meeting in NE Washington, DC. Contact: cyngc2@aol.com if interested.

Consider joining this group...If you're interested in renewing your mind and taking every one of your negative or wrong thoughts captive.

Purchase the book & workbook "Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Meyer.Purchase both for $15.99 at http://www.cbd.com/ order# HL6691099 The Mind Is The Battlefield.

We are engaged in a war and the enemy is satan. He trys to use deceit and discouragement to get us off track. He is in no hurry and takes his time to work out his plan.


God is infinitely more interested in your life than you are.
God's plan for your life is always the best plan.
God is much smarter than you are.
God is bigger than any problem facing you today.

God Bless You! Cynthia 202-315-8182 cyngc2@aol.com

The Lord is my Shepherd -- He is my guide, my provider, my protector, my shield and my strength and He supplies everything I need and desire.

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